18 years of beautiful chaos...
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Shiloh Nouvel Jolie-Pitt

I can't even believe I am commenting on this. I need some kind of intervention. I despise all things Jolie-Pitt. UGH! But, alas, I like the name Shiloh. And, since they weren't total freaks naming the kid some unpronouncable, who knows what the heck it means, African name I gotta give them props.
So, I am glad this kid is out in the world just like the TomKat so now we can quit talking about Angie's bump and skeletal arms. (Who can maintain zero bodyfat when pregnant?) It's all too ridiculous. So, I say, god bless, glad you had her, glad all is well. Now, goodnite. :)
Thursday, May 25, 2006

Ok, so Deena reminded me. For my 3rd post in one day, I have to say, SOUL PATROL!!! I am sooooooooo happy that Taylor won. I have honestly been a fan from the auditions and I never waivered. I would just like to go on record as having been a SOUL PATROL believer from day 1. But, for those that think Taylor isn't all that, or that it is all very corny... I say... SO WHAT! I love to have something to get excited about. And, I really like Taylor, the way he sings, his voice, his mannerisms, all of it! I am so excited for him and I truly will be IN LINE to buy his CD as soon as it "drops"...
So, congrats Taylor. And, now thatEVERYTHING is coming to a season finale (sob. sob...) I am going to start looking forward to the ridiculous summer "So You Think You Can Dance" filler.
Also, for those that were watching, how happy am I that Harold won Top Chef!?! Poo Tiffani!And, really looking forward to the new season of Kathy Griffin: My Life on the D-List. I was so ticked when I found out she was coming to Seattle only on the evening of Skylar's ballet recital! Argh!
Babies bite.

And, there is little that can be done about it. Case in point, my DJ, who bit a little girl on the nose in the childcare at the gym this morning. He's 19 months old. Other than saying "NO BITING!" there is just not a lot else that can be done. Representing a parenting style that does not include biting your baby back so he knows what it feels like, I find myself in a strange position when faced with such a horrendous toddler crime. I did what any other normal person would do and profusely apologized to the mother of victim. However, she certainly did not help the situation by being a complete #$%^& about it. Yeah, I know lady, my kids have been injured by other kids before. You are not the first person to endure this kind of tragedy. Give me a break. Of course, this woman had no other children, so her 19 month old daughter has not been around the kiddie block enough to toughen this gal up. To this I am sympathetic. But, when a genuinely sorry Mom, (i.e. me) comes to you and apologizes and says how very sorry she is and tries to explain to her own child with a 10 word vocabulary how to be nice to other people's kids, tell her your daughter is going to be ok, that things happen, that you understand. Do not look at my 19 month old, 10-word vocabulary son like he is the devil. Believe me, one day you will be on the perp end of the spectrum and you will hope for a little understanding.
Skylar's Solo

Last night was the end of the year program at Skylar's preschool. Her class sang 3 songs and in the finale, all the 4-5 year olds sang "Heaven Is In My Heart". She and her schoolmate, Jack, had solos. She sang, in the words of her teacher, "like an angel". We were so proud of her. I had originally intended to record the solo on the digital camera so I could post the video here, but thanks to being an underachiever in the technology dept., thot I was recording it when in fact it was on standby. So, got some stills and got it on the regular video camera. Whew, at least Mom didn't completely fail at the task.
Anyway, here are her and Jack, as well as, a pic of her and "the girls", Grace and Ashlynn.
Monday, May 22, 2006
The New Do...

Photography by Skylar...
Ok, wanted to add some notes about the fab haircut. First off, I loooove my hair guy now. So glad to have found him. After my 20-something Mr. Trendy at the NW boutique butchered my hair a couple years ago, I was on the search for someone just perfect. Besides, Mr. Trendy was way too cool for me. The stories he told me, even made me uncomfortable if you can believe that. I guess the reality is, I am just not 22 years old anymore. The stories of staying out all night downtown, drinking and drugging, and having sex with any man (yes, man) who is in sight was just getting a bit much for me to take. :)
So, on to the new guy. It's funny that I seem to gravitate to the guys for hair just like I do for massage. It's so weird. I am just so much more comfortable. It is hilarious to me that I find men (even the gay ones) to be less judgemental and more easygoing.
Thank God for Ross! I found him by chance at the Toni and Guy salon at the mall. EW! Getting my hair done at the mall. How UNCOOL! Well, I was desperate a couple years ago (after Mr. Trendy got canned from the trendy salon) and decided to do a "walk-in" at the mall. Well, just so happens the only person available was the salon manager. Ross, who was also the highest paid guy in the joint, became the hairdresser of my dreams. He is a tall, lanky fella of about the late 40's, early 50's range. Super nice, loves gardening, all my fav reality tv. And, as a super great bonus, he checks the computer before I come in each time so he can ask me how are the kids and what else is going on in my life. How sweet is that! And, he is so sweet that he always tries to work a little gay story in to the conversation in case I have forgotten. This most recent time was a funny little ditty about how his Mom had heard of something that most gay men should know and in a group of lots of people at his neice's wedding she said, "Hey Ross, is that true that you guys know that?"... She sounds fun. Anyway, he is fun and refreshing and doesn't do wacky experimental scissor techniques he just learned on me. He takes care of me and makes me BEAUTIFUL! Big shout out to Ross!
On a side note, I would just like to add that during the course of writing this one entry, I have had to chase a naked toddler down the hall 3, count em 3, times. We got a streaker in the making.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Grey's Anatomy Spoiler Ahead....
So, if you TIVO'd it and haven't watched it yet.....don't read any further.
I have to start out by saying that this week I am all out of sorts and have been falling behind in my regular show watching. Probably has a lot to do with the FANTASTIC weather we have been having and the fact that I haven't had any time to watch. That said.... I finally watched the 3 hrs of Grey's. OMG! I am so sad that Denney Duquette is Buh-Bye. I really really loved him. The only consolation is the fact that he did such an awesome job on this show that I know a network is going to pick him up for another show. You can bet, I WILL be watching that show. :)
So, the entire season ender was phenomenal. I couldn't get enough. I love George wrestlin' around with that cute chubby girl. I was HATING Meredith and McDreamy hooking up. ICK! But, having the cute vet hanging around is cool. I just hate that now they are going to a place where they are going to be hurting people. At least before, no one knew he was married. I have soooooo grown a soft place in my heart for Mrs. Shepherd. I am liking the direction that Burke and Christina are going. I tell ya, how am I going to survive until September with no Grey's?!? That is the big question. But, I heard they are moving Grey's to Thursday nights. That will be weird. But, who cares. Once you got that DVR, it just doesn't matter! YEAH!
So. On to American Idol. Well, I would just like to pat myself on the back for a second for believing in Taylor str8 out of the gate. I am awesome. I loved him from the moment he twitched and twittered and sang with the spirit of all the guys I love. (Michael McDonald, James Taylor, Jim Croce.. Heck, he cud even do a little Jimmy Buffett!) So, I was soooooo loving him last night. I voted about 10 times for Taylor so I am really hoping to see him and Elliot in the final. But, that darn McPhee will probably turn it out and get in the final. That is ok. She is good enough to be there. I think this is a great top 3.
So, still haven't watched this past Sunday's Sopranos. Very disturbed about this. I heard from a reliable source that there is a lot of "Brokeback Mountain" action in this episode, so that should be fun. :) Tee hee. I need to get on it Probably won't happen until at least Thursday since there is so much TV on tonight to catch up on. Got Next Top Model, the A.I. results show, then Top Chef on Bravo! I will be pooped after all that cuz the kids will finally be in bed and I will most likely ZONK out. :)
So, tomorrow am cashing in my Mother's Day present and getting my hair done. I will post a pic tomorrow. I am so excited as I am DONE wearing my hair in a bun or pony every day and looking so Schlumpy Mom-ish. So, cool hairdo here I come. I know my hair guy is just going to make all kinds of fun at me since I colored my own hair with one of the Revlon kits that lets you put in your own highlights. Hello, you are not a professional! Put down the haircolor girl! :) That will be fun. And humiliating. :)
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Where do I even start?...
There is just too much TV going on right now to even comment in an organized, thoughtful fashion. Oooooooooooooh, right off the bat, I have to express my pure glee when passing over Bravo tonight and finding that the new Kathy Griffin special has started. Of course, I had preset the DVR to record it. YAY! I loooooove her. She and Chris Rock are my all time fave comedians. I just love love love it. Kathy is great because she is so NOT pc and she makes fun of all the celebs. Which, I absolutely love! Her take on Tom Cruise going crazy and her whole rant on Celine Dion is just hysterical. So, for anyone needing a good laugh, PLEASE, check out Kathy Griffin: Strong Black Woman on BRAVO! Plus, June 2, her My Life On The D-List series is back on BRAVO!. Yay! Thank god for some good summer programming.
Sunday nite was satisfying as usual. Of course, since I was at work slogging through 911 calls, I had to DVR. But, never fear. I was able to spend Monday and Tuesday catching up. Thank goodness, the man loves Grey's Anatomy too so we watched that at 2 a.m. when I got in on Sunday nite. It was great. Who would have guessed at the beginning of this series, that I would turn out to secretly love Denney and not McDreamy. Now, don't get me wrong girls, while I have and will always have a special place for my 80's Patrick Dempsey crush, I have found I really can't get enough of Jeffrey Dean Morgan (real-life Denney). Whew, that guy is hot! And, there is just something so vulnerable and sweet and scruffy about him. Well, I could go on and on. So, to wrap it up, I just can't wait for next week's season finale. Altho I am super sad about it, how fun will it be to have Grey's Sunday nite and then AGAIN on Monday.
And, to round out the Sunday programming....The Sopranos, baby! SPOILERS AHEAD..IF YOU HAVEN'T YET WATCHED THIS WEEK, SKIP THIS PARAGRAPH....This week wasn't quite as exciting as it had been. Seemed like kind of a filler episode to wrap up some stuff and set up some future stuff. Nothing super interesting. But, the thing I am most interested in with this last year of Sopranos is just wondering how it will all end..... What happens to Tony and Carmella? Where does Christopher end up? Seriously, with a kid? Does Paulie really have the cancer? Does someone finally kill Janice (PLEASE!).. Tee hee. Anyway, I can't wait til the end.
Ahhh, now we just gotta see who gets kicked off American Idol this week to round out the Top 3 and the week will be complete. By the way, I say GOOD BYE CHRIS. But, we know that ain't gonna happen. So, ta ta Elliot. :( All I know is, I can't wait to see Taylor in that final 2!! Yeah, baby!
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Sooooooooo busy..
Wow. What a busy week. We are all running around like crazy these days. I am so happy about the weather being nice. It makes it so much easier to get around town with all the little ones.
Skylar is getting ready to wrap up her very last month of preschool. Last day of school is Friday, May 26. I am having a lot of anxiety about her going to kindergarten next year. She is really growing up now. That is one busy girl. We are coming to the end of ballet again too. Her end of the year recital is Friday, June 9. We have a wedding where she is the flower girl on June 3 and then my brother's wedding (again the flower girl) on June 24. Oh, and I believe she is going to the Children's Theatre this weekend with Grandma Candy to see Seussical the Musical. She is really going to dig that! So, we are at the mercy of the 5 year old and all her activities. Tae Kwon Do is continuous all year round so she'll still do that all summer. Besides that, she and Dj are going to do swimming at Parkrose this year. I told Daddy he has to take Dj to the parent taught toddler swim cuz I am certainly not bathing suit ready. Tee hee. Plus, did I mention that I HATE water?!? :)
So, looks like the baby is the only one without a lot on his agenda. Of couse, he's going to working on crawling all summer. So, I guess he'll be busy with that.
Sassy seester came over last night to catch up on Desperate Housewives and Sopranos. Have I ever mentioned how much I loooooooove Sopranos. Hey cousin, I won't reveal any plot lines so don't worry! :) But, I am diggin this season. Really more than any other. Altho, I just might need to get super Sopranos-geeky and start collecting the seasons on DVD. That would be cool cardio watching on the portable DVD player.
I gotta get on it and watch American Idol that I taped last night. I hate it when I do that cuz then I can't vote. How annoying. But, tonight is my fav. America's Next Top Model, AI results show, and Top Chef! Sweet!
Well, off to the esplanade in about an hour for the nightly butt-killing walk.