Shiloh Nouvel Jolie-Pitt

I can't even believe I am commenting on this. I need some kind of intervention. I despise all things Jolie-Pitt. UGH! But, alas, I like the name Shiloh. And, since they weren't total freaks naming the kid some unpronouncable, who knows what the heck it means, African name I gotta give them props.
So, I am glad this kid is out in the world just like the TomKat so now we can quit talking about Angie's bump and skeletal arms. (Who can maintain zero bodyfat when pregnant?) It's all too ridiculous. So, I say, god bless, glad you had her, glad all is well. Now, goodnite. :)
Ha ha. Yeah, the name Shiloh is kinda cool. I'm glad you used that pic, because I always found that to be the most uncomfortable pregnant woman picture I've ever seen in my life. Her arms and legs. She was one of the first truly ugly pregnant women I've ever seen. She had this green-ish, gray cast to her skin and looked so skinny and sickly. Poor Shiloh. Hope she can have something of a normal life....Where did she have the baby? In Africa? I can't keep up with their globetrotting.
Yeah, Namibia baby!! They rented out an entire resort. Must be nice. They are psycho. Andre even commented today how Brad Pitt has lost his mind. And, then remarked, "she is pregnant?".. To which I said, "uh, no. She was pregnant. Had the baby yesterday." To which he replied, "oh, i didn't know"....Sometimes I wish I was so oblivious. But, then I wonder...what the heck would I do without my celeb gossip? His ignorance seemed so bliss! :)
Thanks for the comments on my blog, I must admit Portland has never been suggested before but I will do some research.
As for this post I'm a bit old fashioned when it comes to names, some celebs choose of the most stupid. I suppose Shiloh is just about ok.
Okay, so here is an interesting question. You all may think it is a really stupid one, but i'm gonna ask it anyway.....
As does Kgmomma, I despise all things Jolie-Pitt related, but it isn't the child's fault that she wound up with these two as her "parental unit"! So here is my question....since these two brainiac-humanitarians decided to have this child in some African country, will she be considered a US citizen, or will they have to go through the process of making her one? When did it become socially unacceptable to birth your children on US soil? Just curious so that I know for future reference?
And as far as Jolie being far too thin, I completely agree! Maybe they should go to Italy and do some "do-gooding" at least they could get some pasta in her!!
I actually know the answer to this question! I read in an unrelated article that babies born to parents who are US citizens and technically "live" in the US, but are "visiting" another country, no matter how long they are shacking up in that country, are in fact US citizens. With no wacky dual citizenship or need to file anything. At least little Shiloh can take solace in not having to file citizenship papers when she goes to court to divorce her parents and seek emancipation like Drew Barrymore in Irreconcilible Differences.
Which i'm sure she will eventually end up doing! LOL Hey didn't Macauley Culkin divorce his parents or become emancipated or something too?? AAAAAHHHHHHH
Well, that is good information to have! Not that I plan on finding some remote part of Africa that no one has ever heard of to go and have my child, but hey, ya never know!!
deena mae and kgmomma, you ladies slay me!!!!! Some pretty funny stuff going on in this blog. :-)
What? Don't you want the most popular name in America to be M'shoniqua?
Still, I think Shiloh has a better chance of coming out normal than Moon Unit.
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