Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Grey's Anatomy Spoiler Ahead....

So, if you TIVO'd it and haven't watched it yet.....don't read any further.
I have to start out by saying that this week I am all out of sorts and have been falling behind in my regular show watching. Probably has a lot to do with the FANTASTIC weather we have been having and the fact that I haven't had any time to watch. That said.... I finally watched the 3 hrs of Grey's. OMG! I am so sad that Denney Duquette is Buh-Bye. I really really loved him. The only consolation is the fact that he did such an awesome job on this show that I know a network is going to pick him up for another show. You can bet, I WILL be watching that show. :)
So, the entire season ender was phenomenal. I couldn't get enough. I love George wrestlin' around with that cute chubby girl. I was HATING Meredith and McDreamy hooking up. ICK! But, having the cute vet hanging around is cool. I just hate that now they are going to a place where they are going to be hurting people. At least before, no one knew he was married. I have soooooo grown a soft place in my heart for Mrs. Shepherd. I am liking the direction that Burke and Christina are going. I tell ya, how am I going to survive until September with no Grey's?!? That is the big question. But, I heard they are moving Grey's to Thursday nights. That will be weird. But, who cares. Once you got that DVR, it just doesn't matter! YEAH!
So. On to American Idol. Well, I would just like to pat myself on the back for a second for believing in Taylor str8 out of the gate. I am awesome. I loved him from the moment he twitched and twittered and sang with the spirit of all the guys I love. (Michael McDonald, James Taylor, Jim Croce.. Heck, he cud even do a little Jimmy Buffett!) So, I was soooooo loving him last night. I voted about 10 times for Taylor so I am really hoping to see him and Elliot in the final. But, that darn McPhee will probably turn it out and get in the final. That is ok. She is good enough to be there. I think this is a great top 3.
So, still haven't watched this past Sunday's Sopranos. Very disturbed about this. I heard from a reliable source that there is a lot of "Brokeback Mountain" action in this episode, so that should be fun. :) Tee hee. I need to get on it Probably won't happen until at least Thursday since there is so much TV on tonight to catch up on. Got Next Top Model, the A.I. results show, then Top Chef on Bravo! I will be pooped after all that cuz the kids will finally be in bed and I will most likely ZONK out. :)
So, tomorrow am cashing in my Mother's Day present and getting my hair done. I will post a pic tomorrow. I am so excited as I am DONE wearing my hair in a bun or pony every day and looking so Schlumpy Mom-ish. So, cool hairdo here I come. I know my hair guy is just going to make all kinds of fun at me since I colored my own hair with one of the Revlon kits that lets you put in your own highlights. Hello, you are not a professional! Put down the haircolor girl! :) That will be fun. And humiliating. :)


At 7:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.


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