Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Taking a time out from Halloween and family stuff. I wud just like to say as a member of the Democratic party... that the last thing we need right now is John Kerry saying just about the stupidest thing I have ever heard a politician say. As a matter of fact, as I write this, President George W. Bush is campaigning for the Georgia governor race in a speech being aired on all the cable news channels playing behind me on MSNBC. And, I am sick to DEATH of politicians right now. I couldn't be more sick of all this HOO-RA-RA. They all spin ridiculousness and I am SICK OF IT! But, today, John Kerry gets the big vote of idiot of the day. Nice job.
If u missed it.. Here ya go..


At 8:54 PM, Blogger Secret Mommy said...

I'm sick of all of 'em, too. Except for Mr. Saxton. I'm volunteering on his campaign tomorrow. And then maybe again before election day, I don't know. :-)

At 9:37 PM, Blogger Brother Kevin Colum said...

Bah! to hell with 'em all! can't stand it! I was this close --> <--
to throwing my ballot away this year! And I can't say how sick I am of flyers, phone calls, and commercials from everybody! Maybe we need a little Guy Fawkes action!

At 10:14 PM, Blogger masterfiddle said...

I'm terribly sick of the politics this season too. I think the ones who are really benefiting are the companies printing all the pamphlets that we throw away. But I did find a pretty well done summary of the Kerry fiasco at this website: http://www.talkingpointsmemo.com/archives/010700.php


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