Babies bite.

And, there is little that can be done about it. Case in point, my DJ, who bit a little girl on the nose in the childcare at the gym this morning. He's 19 months old. Other than saying "NO BITING!" there is just not a lot else that can be done. Representing a parenting style that does not include biting your baby back so he knows what it feels like, I find myself in a strange position when faced with such a horrendous toddler crime. I did what any other normal person would do and profusely apologized to the mother of victim. However, she certainly did not help the situation by being a complete #$%^& about it. Yeah, I know lady, my kids have been injured by other kids before. You are not the first person to endure this kind of tragedy. Give me a break. Of course, this woman had no other children, so her 19 month old daughter has not been around the kiddie block enough to toughen this gal up. To this I am sympathetic. But, when a genuinely sorry Mom, (i.e. me) comes to you and apologizes and says how very sorry she is and tries to explain to her own child with a 10 word vocabulary how to be nice to other people's kids, tell her your daughter is going to be ok, that things happen, that you understand. Do not look at my 19 month old, 10-word vocabulary son like he is the devil. Believe me, one day you will be on the perp end of the spectrum and you will hope for a little understanding.
Maybe some day she'll realize this when her kid does something similar.
thanks for your visit....tis a great song indeed!! you have beutiful children. take care ....:)
Okay, so that picture of him coupled with the image of him biting some little girl in the gym childcare is making me laugh out loud. I don't mean to make light of the situation, but like you said, kids are kids and if that is the worst thing that he ever does to another child then I don't really think it is the end of the world. He is a good little boy and I think you have done a wonderful job with all 3 of the kids and you are a terrific Mommy! What did she want to do go outside and go a-couple-a-rounds with you or something? I hope that you get to be there when her little "angel" does something unpleasant to another child, because it WILL happen!
But on a happier note.........
I totally agree with Deena Mae. That pic with that story made me laugh a LOT!
But did you say that some beee-atch looked at my cute little nephy-poo-poo like he was the devil? Ohhhhh, it's on! I'm gonna brawl with her.
Ha ha, just kidding. I'm a lover, not a fighter. You know, like your son.
Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.
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