Skylar's Solo

Last night was the end of the year program at Skylar's preschool. Her class sang 3 songs and in the finale, all the 4-5 year olds sang "Heaven Is In My Heart". She and her schoolmate, Jack, had solos. She sang, in the words of her teacher, "like an angel". We were so proud of her. I had originally intended to record the solo on the digital camera so I could post the video here, but thanks to being an underachiever in the technology dept., thot I was recording it when in fact it was on standby. So, got some stills and got it on the regular video camera. Whew, at least Mom didn't completely fail at the task.
Anyway, here are her and Jack, as well as, a pic of her and "the girls", Grace and Ashlynn.
Okay, those pictures are adorable!! How cute are "The 3 Musketeers"!!! And that little Jack is a cutie. He is exactly how you described him! LOL Too bad on the audio, but at least you got the cute pictures!
That Jack is a cutie patootey! He woulda been Auntie Poo Poo's kinda man in kindergarten. All red-headed and cute. :-)
Those girls look very cute and happy. Wouldn't it be great to get another pic of them in 10 years standing in the same "Aren't we awesome" pose? The one in the middle is just lovely.
Wish I wouldn't have missed that program!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(PS - I'm thinking of changing my blogger name to Auntie Poo Poo...)
Ha ha, just kidding.
I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.
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