18 years of beautiful chaos...
Friday, March 31, 2006
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Sopranos.....oh, my Sopranos
Why do they torture me so? I finally finished watching last Sunday's installment (via Comcast On Demand). Boy, oh boy, did they have me going.. I was totally freaking out! I laughed, I cried, it became a part of me. I didn't know where it was going, was completely without any idea. I really liked this episode. I am carefully not revealing anything so as to not spoil for any1 who has still not seen it (KIMBERLY).. But, I have to say, I am going to continue hanging on to this season with baited breath.
Now, all I need to catch up on this week in TV is Top Chef which I plan to get to sometime this evening. I believe it is on later. Hey Comcast, how about getting Bravo ON DEMAND! That would be great!
Many babies...no time
So, when one has a gaggle of babies, it is hard to find time to get anything done. We are feverishly preparing for the Oregon State Bodybuilding Figure and Fitness Championships as bodybuilding season has just started up with the Vancouver Natural this Saturday. Gotta get flyers out so people will know all the Oregon info. Whew. It's taking alot of time. And, these kids just get more demanding. As I sit here blogging, my eldest creature is practically begging for "grapes, please".. Ugh. The little one is on my lap here. If it's not hard typing with a three month old on ur lap, I don't know what is! But, I love the little buggers. Even when little man screams his head off for 5 minutes for no apparent reason. I just love 'em. Trying to take a page out of the book from a gal I knew when I was in high school. She was in her late 20's and had 3 kids also. Whenever she found herself getting angry and that she might start to yell, she told them all how much she loved them. Boy, did those kids know they were loved!
So, must take a moment to comment on American Idol. So glad to see Lisa go. Even tho she was a good singer, she just kept getting worse each week instead of better. I have to say, currently my biggest fave is Taylor Hicks. I even went so far as to visit his fan site. It's sick. But, I love my America Idol. :)
So, am so busy, here it is THURSDAY and I still have yet to watch Sunday's Sopranos. I better get on it.
And, finally, I must brag that I am getting my 31 year old behind to the gym consistently now. Thank goodness. These l-b's have got to go!! So, am also going to add some running down at the beautiful waterfront. That eastside esplanade is hard to beat on a glorious Oregon morning. Hope to see some of this rain start to GO AWAY. Until next time...
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Birthday Wishes.........
Happy Birthday Kimberly!!!
My beautiful, sweet, talented sister...A big Happy Birthday to you!!!
Monday, March 27, 2006
Back from the Beach...
We are back from a beautiful and quick trip to Port Orford for Grammy Wallace's 91st birthday!!! It was so great to see everyone. All looked in good spirits and Grammy seemed really happy we were all there. The kids were amazingly cooperative in the long car ride down and back. We couldn't have asked for better weather. Sunny and non windy!
Got back just in time last night for Desperate Housewives. I find myself being most interested in Lynette's story line. And, the Solis'. I really am bored with Teri Hatcher (Susan)and all her goings ons.. Then, sadly, Grey's Anatomy was a repeat. For all the Grey's Anatomy fans, check out http://abc.go.com/primetime/greysanatomy/index.html and go to the writer's blog. It is so fun to read. Lots of good stuff in there. So, since Grey's was the train wreck story I had already seen, we tuned in to Little People, Big World. My big girl watched part of it with me. She really seemed to like it too. She liked the Mom the best. Was very interested in how she was able to drive a big minivan. I just love those Roloffs!
Now am off to the gym. My new bff (best friend forever for those who weren't 13 in 1987.) And then to the store for some sugar free jello. It's gonna be tough, but am trying to avoid Betty Crocker frosting for breakfast. Ha ha ha. SISTER!
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Goodbye Kevin Covais.....
Sweet. As cute as the little guy is, the next American Idol he is not! If I had to listen to him sing one more lispy song, I was gonna freak out. So, I am very satisfied with the results this evening. I actually agree with Lisa being in the bottom 3 also. She is not as good as she seemed she was going to be in the beginning. And, well, Bucky. Come on. BUCKY? I can't really get past his name. He reminds me of a mixture of lots of guys I went to high school with. And, trust me, that is NOT a good thing. He can go next week.
So, in trying to get this post baby-body back to some level of acceptability, I went to the gym today. It was actually pretty great. Did a full body workout they have set up there at the gym. You just work your way down the machines set in a particular order and you don't really have to think much about it. I like that. Until I am feeling a whole lot better about my body, I am just going to keep at that. And, then I did some cardio. That was pretty good. Got the ol' heart rate up. Of course, my face turned purple. Now, if I can just get sugar completely out of my diet, I would be doing something. Why do I like sweets so much? I never thought it was a huge crutch for me, but lately I seem to be so interested in sugary foods. I gotta get over it. Maybe if I out myself on the blog here, I will be better in actually avoiding the sweet stuff. Well, we can hope.
I was really happy about Top Chef tonight. I have to say, I really enjoy the programming on Bravo these days. I thoroughly enjoyed Project Runway and of course the old standby of Queer Eye. So, currently loving Top Chef. Tiffani is the one I love to hate right now. Such a snooty attitude. The only real problem with that show is the host, Katie Lee, who is all about 24 years old and married to the 50 something Billy Joel. It just creeps me out and quite frankly, I just don't buy it.
Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Can't believe I am just now able to chat about Sunday's tv. Whew. Stuck at work, couldn't manage to get my lunch break during Grey's Anatomy so had to watch it with closed captioning while I was dispatching Central precinct. Better than not getting to see it at all, I suppose. I CANNOT believe Izzy got to profess her love to Denney. He is one hot heart patient! :) I hope they keep him alive for a while. They gotta give us something good amid all the angst.
OK, so I have only been able to watch the first 1/2 of the Sopranos. I "On Demand"'d it last night about 1 a.m. so only got half way thru before falling asleep. But, this is the weirdest Sopranos in recent memory. It reminded me of the old days of watching X-Files and not knowing what the heck they were talking about until the end of the episode. I am so far totally confused and don't really understand the alter-ego Tony stuff. I just don't get it. Is it a dream sequence? His conscience? I have to say, I just don't get it. I am going to try and watch the rest today and maybe it will make some sense. I hope so anyway.
Trying to find time to fit in some exercise today before taking big girl to Tae Kwon Do and settling in to some American Idol. I can't wait to see what Taylor Hicks has for us tonight!
Sunday, March 19, 2006
My sis.. Always with the good ideas.
What a beautiful Sunday. I love Sundays. My man is home, no school, no ballet, no tae kwon do... Just church, Baskin-Robbins, then home to await the start of a great week of my favorite tv shows. :) Oh, too bad now I am working Sunday evenings and end up having to tape 3 of these favs... So, here is my list of favorites through the week.
Sunday: Desperate Housewives, Gray's Anatomy, Sopranos
Monday: Nothing... altho I usually find something to watch.
Tuesday: American Idol, Miami Ink
Wednesday: American Idol, America's Next Top Model, Top Chef
Thursday: Nothing...
Friday: Nothing...
Saturday: Nothing...
These are the shows I will most likely be dishing about, however, new things always pop up along the way.
SO, tonight, I shall try to get to work early so I can snag a lunch from 10-11 in order to get my Gray's Anatomy fix. I so love Dr. McDreamy. Of course, to me, Patrick Dempsey will always be the teen heartthrob of Can't Buy Me Love and Loverboy. I adore the kid who plays George. I also dig his name. I can't wait to find out more about him. Right now the celebrity tabloid press isn't paying much attention to T.R. Knight. He's gonna be big. It's those puppy dog eyes of his that do it.
So, can't say I didn't almost scream my head off when Uncle Junie shot Tony. Holy crap! I can't wait to see where this is going. And, I can't pretend I wasn't totally interested in who was going to answer "911"...... Tomorrow I am sure I will have PLENTY to say about tonight's tube watching. Ahhhhh, Sunday.
Friday, March 17, 2006
Finally... back on!
Ok, now that we have recovered from the worst blogging luck ever! I am sure it wasn't me that crashed the blogspot files but it wud figure that just the day after "announcing" my blog, it wud be unavailable. Argh!
So, we are back. The kids are getting better. Turns out the baby just has the croup and will get over it. Little man is responding well to the foul pink medicine.
It truly was a beautiful day in Oregon today. A little sunshine, followed by a little rain. But, I can't complain. I am just glad I got to see the blue sky for a second.
Soon I will have pictures posted here to gaze at. Just gotta have a pow-wow with a co-worker who is good at his blog and seems to have figured out the confusing world of posting pictures.
Happy St. Paddy's Day to everyone.
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Ear infections...
Argh. So, little man has an ear infection. Has to take the smelly, foul tasting pink medicine that you keep in the fridge. But, wouldn't you know it.... the kid loves the stuff. Was sucking it out of the dispenser faster than I could squeeze it in there. :) He's a strange kid.
Now, baby has a honking type cough that is reminiscent of when the dog had kennel cough. That can't be good. Currently waiting for the nurse at his dr. to give us a call back and see if we should come in. He only "honks" when he is crying...doesn't seem to have a problem the rest of the time. Weird.
And, for my final dramatic child. Big girl tried her hand at swallowing a pill for the first time and reacted much like my older sister in her equally dramatic youth. Cried, yelled, didn't swallow the darn thing... and eventually threw up. Wow. All this drama occurred before I had the good sense to try the pill in the jam Grammy Wallace trick. So, must save that for another day..
All this before 10 am! Hopefully the rest of the day will prove less exciting. Trying to talk my man into staying home with me. Have family day. Yay.
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
They are all sleeping...
It has taken me somewhere around 36 hours to complete setting up this blog. Whew. It is nearly impossible to engage in any enjoyable adult activity with 3 little ones climbing all over the place. Such is my reality.
I hope to use this blog to ramble about my life, my man, my kids, my work. The things I love, the things I hate, whatever. I might even wax poetic about current events or celebrity news. Who knows. I hope to amuse some, inform others, and just give everyone a peek in to the life of a working mom who is trying to find balance, happiness, and inner peace.