
Can't believe I am just now able to chat about Sunday's tv. Whew. Stuck at work, couldn't manage to get my lunch break during Grey's Anatomy so had to watch it with closed captioning while I was dispatching Central precinct. Better than not getting to see it at all, I suppose. I CANNOT believe Izzy got to profess her love to Denney. He is one hot heart patient! :) I hope they keep him alive for a while. They gotta give us something good amid all the angst.
OK, so I have only been able to watch the first 1/2 of the Sopranos. I "On Demand"'d it last night about 1 a.m. so only got half way thru before falling asleep. But, this is the weirdest Sopranos in recent memory. It reminded me of the old days of watching X-Files and not knowing what the heck they were talking about until the end of the episode. I am so far totally confused and don't really understand the alter-ego Tony stuff. I just don't get it. Is it a dream sequence? His conscience? I have to say, I just don't get it. I am going to try and watch the rest today and maybe it will make some sense. I hope so anyway.
Trying to find time to fit in some exercise today before taking big girl to Tae Kwon Do and settling in to some American Idol. I can't wait to see what Taylor Hicks has for us tonight!
I've got to get Comcast or something! Must find this week's episode of The Sopranos on the Satellite Dish....why do they have to have the show on at the same time as Desperate Housewives? And what makes me even madder is that this week's DH was a re-run, but I didn't figure that out until about 10 minutes into it and I didn't want to start watching Sopranos 10 minutes late. Pooh!
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