Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Goodbye Kevin Covais.....

Sweet. As cute as the little guy is, the next American Idol he is not! If I had to listen to him sing one more lispy song, I was gonna freak out. So, I am very satisfied with the results this evening. I actually agree with Lisa being in the bottom 3 also. She is not as good as she seemed she was going to be in the beginning. And, well, Bucky. Come on. BUCKY? I can't really get past his name. He reminds me of a mixture of lots of guys I went to high school with. And, trust me, that is NOT a good thing. He can go next week.
So, in trying to get this post baby-body back to some level of acceptability, I went to the gym today. It was actually pretty great. Did a full body workout they have set up there at the gym. You just work your way down the machines set in a particular order and you don't really have to think much about it. I like that. Until I am feeling a whole lot better about my body, I am just going to keep at that. And, then I did some cardio. That was pretty good. Got the ol' heart rate up. Of course, my face turned purple. Now, if I can just get sugar completely out of my diet, I would be doing something. Why do I like sweets so much? I never thought it was a huge crutch for me, but lately I seem to be so interested in sugary foods. I gotta get over it. Maybe if I out myself on the blog here, I will be better in actually avoiding the sweet stuff. Well, we can hope.
I was really happy about Top Chef tonight. I have to say, I really enjoy the programming on Bravo these days. I thoroughly enjoyed Project Runway and of course the old standby of Queer Eye. So, currently loving Top Chef. Tiffani is the one I love to hate right now. Such a snooty attitude. The only real problem with that show is the host, Katie Lee, who is all about 24 years old and married to the 50 something Billy Joel. It just creeps me out and quite frankly, I just don't buy it.


At 8:35 PM, Blogger Secret Mommy said...

Dear Sister,

Have you ever eaten half a tub of Betty Crocker creamy vanilla frosting for breakfast?

I didn't think so.

Quit talking about having a problem with sweets.

You're fine!!!!!!


Love ya!


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