18 years of beautiful chaos...
Friday, April 28, 2006
The search is over...

Whew! Thank goodness. I have felt like a crazy person stalking craigslist at all hours of the day and night looking for a play structure for the kids. I had researched them quite a bit and knew the one that I wanted. I searched high and low all the time and whenever there was one posted, it sold in about 10 minutes. There was never one available. I was about to scream. I really wanted something in the yard for the munchins to busy themselves with in addition to the bikes, basketball hoop, soccer net, etc this summer. And, I was really certain I didn't want to pay the $600-$700 to buy one new. SO, today the search is over. I found the one I wanted at a psycho lady's house in Newburg and my Ma was nice enough to come over and hang with the kids while I took the rush hour journey down there. I found out once I got down there and was helping to dismantle and load the darn thing that she had two of us coming to potentially buy and was letting us "race to see who got here the fastest". What a complete A-hole manuever. I can tell ya one thing, if I had been the lady to drive up and see someone else buying it 5 minutes before I got there, I wudda had a little something to say. However, luck was on my side today and I loaded the sucker up and brought it home.Oh, on a side note, my little Christian is rolling over. Pretty much started doing back to front and front to back at the same time. He's an over-achiever. :) What a love bug.
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Recap of Wednesday...
Ok, so besides Sunday, Wednesday is my favorite night of TV. I have America's Next Top Model, then the recap show of American Idol (goodbye Kelli Pickler!!), and then Top Chef on Bravo! at 10 p.m. I really like that one. I think Bravo! is really stepping up in the reality show dept. I love Project Runway when it is on, and they have really got a good show with Top Chef. Loving that Stephen is gone. He was such a snob! Ick!
Nnenna got the boot on Model. I didn't really think it was her time to go. There are a couple other girls who don't have as much potential, but she was starting to suck at her photo shoots and she was really quite mean. So, not heartbroken about that either. :)
I am really looking forward to Sunday. I need a new Grey's Anatomy before I scream!! Enough with the recap shows already. Good grief. And, SOPRANOS!! I can't wait!
Well, today is Family Day for the Scott family. So, we are off to get something to eat, head to a big park for some fun, then ICE CREAM!!! :)
K out...
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Monday, April 24, 2006
Sunday, April 23, 2006
The Sleep Over....

Well, we survived Skylar's first ever sleep over. It actually went by really fast because I decided this was a great weekend to clean the garage. Quite a daunting task. I can't believe I had actually thought about getting that done when I was still pregnant. That wudda been a very bad idea. :)
So, needless to say, I am super tired and a bit sore in the lower back region this morning. I have to say, I am so angry at myself for not taking a before pic of the garage. Oh yes, it was THAT bad! Have I not watched enough episodes of Trading Spaces in my life to know that before and after pictures are pretty much the best thing about any overhaul?!? Well, I did take an after and for any1 who has been over to the house, I am sure you will appreciate the improvement. Here's also a picture of the girls enjoying their lovely sleep over breakfast yesterday morning. :)
Tuesday, April 18, 2006

I would like to start off this beautiful spring day post by saying, THANK GOODNESS KATIE HOLMES GAVE BIRTH. FINALLY! Whew. That seemed like an awful long time coming. While I am happy they are welcoming daughter, Suri, to the world. I am sick of hearing about it. And, I love babies! :) So, I too, welcome baby Suri. Now, another topic please for celebrity gossip. Sheesh!
I am so happy it is spring. It's such a beautiful time. The kids are loving walking to the park. Here are some pics of them at our neighborhood park this past week. We are really looking forward to this spring and summer. Nice weather, outdoor eating at bbq's and fun restaurants with patios. Cute sandals. So much to be happy about.
On the TV front, I am happy to report Desperate Housewives was interesting and fun this week. While I was devastated Grey's Anatomy was gone to show a special What About Brian, I will live until next week. :) All I can really think about today is when I am going to get On Demand and watch this past Sunday's Sopranos. I can't wait to see what everyone was up to.
I must also add, my sassy sis and I actually got out of the house (many thanks to THE MAN, Andre, for taking care of the kids ALL evening!) to watch Friends With Money last night. It was so great. As my sis can attest, at one point I was laughing so hard, I almost snorted! It was great. Such a great examination of female friendships. Loved Joan Cusack, Frances McDormand, Catherine Keener, and of course, Jennifer Aniston. Definitely recommended to all the ladies!
Friday, April 14, 2006
My gals...
I just want to give a quick shout out all my girls. It was really a wonderful surprise today to see so many responses on the blogs and new emails from women I love, miss, adore, and look up to. It brings to mind wisdom from my Grammy (91 years old and full of life!). She used to always tell my sis and I what a great thing it is to write letters. It shows people you care about them and you can almost always count on getting something in return. My Grammy still writes me letters and I still think it is the best when you unexpectedly hear from someone. There is a beauty in letter writing, but I am just as happy these days to get that same feeling from email. :)It is so uplifting to me to be reminded about the female friendships I have made over the years and the ones I am sure to make in the future. I love thinking about all these women making positive influences in each others lives. I really treasure the experiences of other women and knowing all my gals are out there for me to lean on, look to, and enjoy life with.
Thursday, April 13, 2006
Busy, busy, busy...
Ok, whew. It's been busy around the Scott household. Andre and I are both getting in the gym consistently (finally!) so we are doing the kid shuffle since Christian isn't old enuf to be left in the gym childcare. It's been crazy but we are getting it done. It is important to us to get in the shape we want to be in. I tell ya, I keep thinking, I am not getting any younger and time just keeps passing by.
I have been running once or twice a week. I am going to aim to run 2x a week and just get to the gym 3 or 4 other times. Sundays almost always are going to be a day off since we go to church and then I have to work. But, Sunday is ICE CREAM DAY, so I can handle a day or two off from the gym. :)
Bishop is doing better. I guess. After the $1000 surgery, he is still limping around, but I guess his leg is healing. We are going in tomorrow to have the drains taken out and get it all bandaged up since the -gross- dead skin is flaking off. EEEWWW!
So, just to update every1 on how I am feeling about tv.. Here goes. American Idol. Glad Bucky is gone. While I kinda liked him, Bucky just ain't no AMERICAN IDOL. And, just for the record, I am officially SICK of Kelly Pickler. Pick her to go home next, wud ya. I am still holding a candle for my Taylor Hicks. Saw a sign in the American Idol audience that said "HICKS CHICKS".. I love it!
Loving Sopranos right now. Just completely loving it. Love that Vito might have off'd himself in that motel room. I can hope. Can't wait to see how this season ends. Then, just will have to wait 6 agonizing months til the ending in Jan. '07.
I am also proud to report that the Scott household is now outfitted with a DVR so we may record and rewind live tv at the touch of a button. Am sooooooooooo excited about not ever missing another Desperate Housewives or Grey's Anatomy (once they start back with new shows!). YAY! Note to Grey's fans. Check out the ABC.com website and visit the writer's blog. They are funny and comment on what they were thinking when writing the episodes. Also, some notes there from the series creator, Shonda Rhimes. Good stuff.
I am still learning the BLOG stuff and am trying to get a photo album type deal going so I can have lots of pics on here. Stay tuned and hopefully that will happen soon. Also, any1 interested, be sure to check out the other blog I'm doin with my sis, http://coolchicksrealbodies.blogspot.com. Keeping track of our weight loss/getting back to our beautiful, healthy selves hits and misses.
Gore out. :)
Sunday, April 09, 2006
This working 2 days a week stuff is sweet! Just when I feel like I'd rather be at home, I realize it is my friday and I only have 2 1/2 hours left in my shift. Yippee!
So, an update on Bishop. He had surgery last week on his leg. Turns out, the vet thinks he got in to a brawl with a raccoon. That got infected and he ended up with a nasty abcess on his leg. It is now all scraped clean and he is on quite the antibiotic cocktail. Also, doing warm compresses on the wound every day and he is wearing the cute party hat to keep himself from licking it.
Seems like Dj is getting sick again. Had a grody nose all morning. I am really hoping this goes away before we have to start more rounds of meds for him too. He is really coming along with his speaking. He is really calling me "mama" all the time and calls Andre "daddy". He's got his little "wy-wer" word for Skylar. And, of course, always says "baby". He is just getting so darn cute. I am hoping to try and get Christian more belly time so he can start getting stronger in preparation for his crawling. It is hard cuz Dj is so physical. Whenever I try to get the baby on the floor, Dj wants to have Wrestle-Mania.
Skylar is doing excellent in school. I think she will be sad for this year to end. But, we have a summer of fun planned. She will have a fun babysitter at least 2 days a week, lots of trips to the park near our house, lots of time for Tae Kwon Do, and we are trying to find a Spanish teacher. She keeps asking to learn Spanish, so we decided we are going to try and make that happen for her.
Hope everyone who checks in with this blog also takes a look at the one I've got going with my sista, Kimberly. We are keeping up with our eating and workout plans on http://coolchicksrealbodies.blogspot.com . It is really fun to dish about what is going on with our quest to lose the extra pounds. Boy, I sure need to get it together. :)
On the tv front, I am super happy that no Housewives on tonight and Grey's Anatomy was a repeat. So, all that is left is watching the Sopranos ON DEMAND sometime this week. I can't wait!!!
Will chat about that tomorrow!
Thursday, April 06, 2006

We are sad about Bishop today. He has a big nasty infection in his front leg from what the vet thinks was a raccoon bite. Eeek. To think he was in a tussle with a big, grody raccoon. Yuk! Anyway, he is having surgery today. Getting full anesthesia and everything. So, $700 later, Bishop should be home by tomorrow recovering with drains all in his leg. Another yuk!
Thankfully, the kids are finally all healthy. I am sore as all get out today tho. Had the bright idea to go running down on the Waterfront yesterday and ran the whole way across the Steele Bridge, down the west side, walked across the Hawthorne bridge and then ran the whole way back on the east side. Whew! I am in need of some serious stretching! But, I am happy to report that these baby l-b's are going away!! YIPPEE!!! Size 8 summer shorts, HERE I COME!
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
5 minutes of chaos...

As I sit here at the computer, I am reminded of the small, beautiful, amazing things that are added to my life through my children. In just 5 minutes, a whole wide random range of things occur... Dj, who is in every way the busiest, loudest, most active child I have ever come across, has finally sat still for 5 minutes next to his sister watching The Land Before Time. I couldn't believe how quiet he was until I looked over and realized my big girl had thought to give her brother a cookie. Boy, she sure is the smart one around here.
Then, I have the little guy on my lap as I surf the internet trying to find Skylar a "big girl bed" and I glance down at his peaceful sleepy face and see a pretty substantial brown spider crawling down his arm. The sucker was about the size of a dime. EEEEK! So, instead of freaking out, I just calmly and as if it is the most normal thing in the world, reach down from the keyboard and knocked the spider on to the floor and then squished him. (Sorry PETA)... Anyway, not my normal reaction to spiders. :) Of course, the quiet is now a thing of the past as Dj is done with his cookie and is in the kitchen yelling "cook-a".
So, the family checked out the neighborhood Sacramento Elementary School today where it looks like Skylar will be attending Kindergarten. I was at first heartbroken over the idea that she wouldn't still attend Portland Christian. But, at our visit of our local school, found that it is one of only about 100 schools in Oregon marked as "exceptional". Meaning that consistently over the years it has had at least 80% of students exceed the benchmark in their yearly testing. And, it was a completely friendly, happy, creative, well-maintained school. The students all seemed quite happy, The teachers couldn't have been nicer. And, the very nice principal held Skylar's hand and walked with her on our tour pointing out things of interest around the school. I couldn't have been happier.
It has really been one of those days that I just can't imagine my life without these 3 little people.