The Sleep Over....

Well, we survived Skylar's first ever sleep over. It actually went by really fast because I decided this was a great weekend to clean the garage. Quite a daunting task. I can't believe I had actually thought about getting that done when I was still pregnant. That wudda been a very bad idea. :)
So, needless to say, I am super tired and a bit sore in the lower back region this morning. I have to say, I am so angry at myself for not taking a before pic of the garage. Oh yes, it was THAT bad! Have I not watched enough episodes of Trading Spaces in my life to know that before and after pictures are pretty much the best thing about any overhaul?!? Well, I did take an after and for any1 who has been over to the house, I am sure you will appreciate the improvement. Here's also a picture of the girls enjoying their lovely sleep over breakfast yesterday morning. :)
Hey Stink-butt! You forgot the pics!
Who was the sleep over friend? Or is that a cousin? Looks like they had fun.
Good job on the garage.
i cant believe u logged on, read the post, and responded in the 2 minutes it took 4 me to go back in and post the pics! U r fast!! :)
oh, and that is Makyah. She's 10. Her Dad is one of our best friends. I have known him and his wife for 10 years. Andre has even longer. :)
Haha! That is funny, cause I only logged onto the internet once this morning for about 5 minutes and the first place I headed was to yer blog. :-)
You made a very cute breakfast for the ladies. Did they have mimosas, too? Just kidding. Your garage looks fantastic. Yeah, you shoulda done a 'fore and aft pic.
I can't wait to hang out with you tomorrow and watch The Sopranos!!!!!
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