Tuesday, April 04, 2006

5 minutes of chaos...

As I sit here at the computer, I am reminded of the small, beautiful, amazing things that are added to my life through my children. In just 5 minutes, a whole wide random range of things occur... Dj, who is in every way the busiest, loudest, most active child I have ever come across, has finally sat still for 5 minutes next to his sister watching The Land Before Time. I couldn't believe how quiet he was until I looked over and realized my big girl had thought to give her brother a cookie. Boy, she sure is the smart one around here.
Then, I have the little guy on my lap as I surf the internet trying to find Skylar a "big girl bed" and I glance down at his peaceful sleepy face and see a pretty substantial brown spider crawling down his arm. The sucker was about the size of a dime. EEEEK! So, instead of freaking out, I just calmly and as if it is the most normal thing in the world, reach down from the keyboard and knocked the spider on to the floor and then squished him. (Sorry PETA)... Anyway, not my normal reaction to spiders. :) Of course, the quiet is now a thing of the past as Dj is done with his cookie and is in the kitchen yelling "cook-a".
So, the family checked out the neighborhood Sacramento Elementary School today where it looks like Skylar will be attending Kindergarten. I was at first heartbroken over the idea that she wouldn't still attend Portland Christian. But, at our visit of our local school, found that it is one of only about 100 schools in Oregon marked as "exceptional". Meaning that consistently over the years it has had at least 80% of students exceed the benchmark in their yearly testing. And, it was a completely friendly, happy, creative, well-maintained school. The students all seemed quite happy, The teachers couldn't have been nicer. And, the very nice principal held Skylar's hand and walked with her on our tour pointing out things of interest around the school. I couldn't have been happier.
It has really been one of those days that I just can't imagine my life without these 3 little people.


At 10:08 PM, Blogger Secret Mommy said...

That's prolly the cutest picture I've ever seen.



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