18 years of beautiful chaos...
Monday, June 26, 2006
Sunday, June 25, 2006
My little brother got married yesterday...
What a beautiful day. Skylar was the flower girl. My brother was so happy. The boys were soooo cute in their matching outfits. Erin was a gorgeous bride.
Sometimes I wonder about my life and how its all going. I am faced with "what does it all really mean" in my own head quite a lot. I sit and think about all my family and friends and wonder if we are all really happy. Well, yesterday was a shining example of what a beautiful family I have. My Dad and StepMom were there. Looking so dashing in their new wedding attire. My 91 year old Grandmother and her sister were in attendance. Erin's beautiful family from California flew in. My two gorgeous sisters were with me all day. It was a beautiful garden setting next to a serene lake. Besides it being 100 degrees yesterday and nearing on miserably hot, it was one of the most real, honest, loving examples of two young people finding each other and sharing their love with those closest to them. I am so proud of my brother. He has found a lovely girl to share his life with. And, I am so thankful to her for loving him and wanting to be a part of our family. We welcome her with open arms.

Sunday, June 18, 2006
My Dad...
Happy Father's Day to all the Dads I know and love. Of course, first on the list are my own Dad, Clyde and my man, Andre. Both of whom are easily the best father's I know.
I appreciate my Dad more than he will probably ever know. I love everything he ever did for my sis and I. (And, truth be told, he is an excellent father for my younger bro and sis. I just wasn't there for most of it.) So, I would like to take some time and skip down memory lane growing up with my Dad. Here are some fun facts/memories about Dad.
When I was a young girl, my Dad
~always smelled like aftershave
~wore a cool blk leather vest
~liked his black slacks folded in a very particular way (for this I am thankful because I have always known how to hang a pair of mens slacks to get the crease JUST right)
~had a great mustache
~taught me how to ride a bike
~allowed me the opportunity to live with my grandparents and know them and love them in a way most kids my age did not understand.
~drove us around in a really cool white mercury marquis (fond memories of this car that i lovingly refer to as "the boat")
~brought home a pretty lady named Rhonda that he would later marry
~didn't yell at us
~let us ride with him in the fire truck during the 4th of July parade
~loved peanut m&m's
~had special nights where he became a gourmet chef and made us things like homemade pizza, chinese food, mexican food, etc.
~taught me how to long jump, throw the shot put, run as fast as my chubby legs would take me
~scared off the boys who would not even dare to knock on our front door
~played tennis with us at the park
~taught me how to shoot a free throw (follow thru!)
~bought us a comodore 64
~encouraged me to play sports even in the things I wasn't the best at
~coached my basketball team
~let me stay up late sometimes and watch movies
~took me fishing where we got to eat Hershey chocolate bars
~kept me safe
~gave me a great family to grow up in
~passed along some great dark hair and a distinctive "Gore" nose
~made me feel like I had the best childhood any kid could ever ask for
Thank you Dad for being such a great person and teaching me so many great lessons. Now that I have children of my own, I look to your example and strive to be the kind of parent you have always been to me.
I love you and I thank you for everything!!!
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
What's For Dinner...

I am going to start a new tradition to the blog. Hopefully will make it a couple times a week. The thing is, I love to cook. Any and all things. I love to make a big dinner, a whole table full of appetizers, a truckload of desserts....anything. I also have a finicky man who pretty much likes meat and a simple carb source. Maybe some veggies. Nothing special at all. Good thing he likes desserts. At any rate, I have gotten lazy and tend to fix the man pretty much the same things over and over. So, my plan is this. A few times a week, I am going to post what is for dinner and if you feel so inclined, go ahead and comment what you are making/having for dinner. I don't care if you are married, single, having a gourmet dinner or popcorn and a glass of wine. I am just always curious what others are making. And, if you want, when you post, if you think it is something good, include your recipe or directions on making it.
So, tonight I am making:
Spicy Peach Chicken
Roasted Herb Garlic Potatoes
Green beans
For the chicken, I got a cut up chicken, discarded the skin but kept it on the bone, tossed the pieces in salt/pepper and a little garlic powder. Then, I mixed up about 2 cups of peach sauce (like applesauce only made with peaches- Trader Joe's) with several teaspoons of hot sauce. I poured the sauce over the chicken and am letting it sit while I roast the potatoes.
Next, took out about 6 large russet potatoes cut them in to cubes. Then in a glass baking dish I tossed the potatoes, a bit of olive oil, chopped garlic, and dry italian herb mix. I bake that at 425 for about 30-45 min. depending on how big the chunks of potato. Just until a bit crispy and fork tender.
Green beans, ha! I took out a can opener, opened the can of Santiam green beans, put them in a pot and am cooking. :)
After the potatoes come out of the oven, I am going to put the chicken pieces on the broiler pan and broil until done. But, am going to put the rack down lower so the peach sauce doesn't burn. I was going to bbq the chicken, but it is raining and I just don't feel like it. :)
I'll post pics when it's done.
Happy eating all!
Monday, June 12, 2006
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Interesting get to know me stuff...
10 Favorites:
Favorite Season: Spring
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Time: Morning
Favorite Food: Pizza
Favorite Drink: Diet Coke
Favorite Ice Cream: Love Potion #31 (Baskin Robbins)
Favorite Place: My house
Favorite Sport: Volleyball
Favorite Actor: Mark Ruffalo
Favorite Actress: Jennifer Aniston
9 Currents:
Feeling: Happy
Current Drink: Diet Coke/Water
Current Time: 12:32 a.m.
Current Show on TV: No TV - I'm at work
Current Mobile used: Qualcomm 3G
Current Windows Open: Yeah, at work. Recycled air.
Current Underwear: None.
Current Clothes: Most comfy black drawstring pants, pink/wht v-neck tshrirt, blk sandals.
Current Thought: Why are there 300 naked bicyclists going over the Burnside Bridge right now?
8 Firsts:
First Nickname: Sis (by my sis.)
First Kiss: Luke Thomas. 6th grade. He was in 7th. He was chewing Big Red gum.
First Crush: Sam Lang
First Best Friend: Andrea Phillips
First Vehicle I Owned: 1985 Honda Accord (not in 1985.)
First Job: Gift shop
First Date: Prom- 1989 with Shon Cook
First Pet: That was really my own, Mama, a cat in college.
7 Lasts:
Last Drink: Water
Last Kiss: My man, Andre
Last Meal: Chicken quesadilla
Last Web Site Visited: MSNBC
Last Movie Watched: Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants
Last Phone Call: Called my man and kids at home
Last TV Watched: Food Network
6 Have You Ever...
Have You Ever Broken the Law: Yes, but not gotten caught.
Have You Ever Been Drunk: Yes.
Have You Ever Kissed Someone You Didn't Know: Yes.
Have You Ever Been in the Middle/Close to Gunfire: Yes. But at a shooting range.
Have You Ever Skinny Dipped: Uh, no.
Have You Ever Broken Anyone's Heart: Yes.
5 Things:
Things You Can Hear Right Now: The guy next to me dispatching, lots of voices, lots of keyboard tapping, some laughter.
Things On Your Bed: Pillows, sheets, comfortor
Things You Ate Today: Peanut butter toast, handful of lucky charms, chicken quesadilla
Things You Do When You Are Bored: Read magazine, play with kids, watch tv
Things You Do For Comfort: Workout, veg
4 Places You Have Been Today:
My house
My car
Hopefully my house again
3 Things On Your Desk Right Now:
4 computer screens
a map
water jug
2 Choices:
Coffee or Tea: tea
Spring or summer: spring
1 Place You Want To Visit:
Saturday, June 10, 2006
Running Naked Toddler...
I don't know what is going on with the middle child. He is 20 months old and can't seem to keep his clothes on. About 100 times a day, I chase him, naked as the day he was born, through the house as he darts and dodges to get away from me. Constantly he is stepping out of his pants and ripping off the diaper then saying, 'pee pee, mama, pee pee'. So, of course, being the excellent mother that I am, I have to take him in to the bathroom so he can 'pee pee'. Well, the kid is just not there yet. He wants to stand on the little stool in front of the potty and hold on to his privates and say 'pee pee' and then flush the toilet. Argh! I find this early potty training time to be both irritating and a huge waste of time. He is just not ready to be totally responsible for his own bathroom activities. So, why do we have to play this little charade? It is both annoying and a huge waste of time. But, carry on with the naked game we must.
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Monday, June 05, 2006
What a weekend...
So, Skylar was in the wedding on Friday evening. She was the most beautiful flower girl ever! She did a great job and really had a great time. It was fun for Mom and Dad too. We left the boys at home with Grandma so it was more of a relaxing evening than normal. :)
The wedding was took place at a "palace" in the middle of absolutely no where near Woodland, Wa. It was seriously down a couple gravel roads, past a tractor selling operation and what looked like a grange hall. Then, at the bottom of finally a paved driveway, sat this insanely ornate palace. It was super weird. But, beautiful. And, the wedding was wonderful. Michal and Charna made a very lovely couple and, of course, we wish them the very best in life! Congrats!
(Ok, I have been trying to get pictures on this post for 3 days and it's just not working. So, bear with me and I will try to get pictures up as soon as I can.)
Friday, June 02, 2006
The Wedding....

I love weddings. Not that I have ever experienced one of my own... tee hee. But, I love going to them. Such a fun, joyful time. Tonight we will be celebrating the wedding of a couple dear friends with of course, many more friends in attendance. Our little Skylar will be performing flower girl duties. (The boys will be doing whatever they want as they are staying home with Grandma!) And, I will be wearing some super cute shoes and carrying a super cute bag with my freshly mani/pedi'd hands and feet. I can't wait. I definitely see some yummy noshing and a glass of red wine in my future. Yay! It certainly isn't every day that this sweat pants wearin' Mom gets an evening out. Tomorrow I will post some pics of this blessed event, but today I leave you with.....the shoes.