Fun with foil...

So, this is what my "spirited toddler" gets in to when my back is turned. He was real proud of himself and thought it was really the best "toy" ever. I was having 2 minutes at the computer in the living room while the baby was asleep and Skylar was otherwise occupied in her room and I heard a bit of rustling near the kitchen. I looked over my shoulder and saw foil a flyin. Now, I cudda gotten up, scolded the boy for getting in a drawer he knows he's not supposed to get into and dealt with the crying that I am sure wud ensue. OR, I could glance back over to the computer and let the kid have a little fun. So, I chose the latter. And, I was smiling to myself as I checked my email, looked at prices for flights to Vegas, maybe glancing at comments on my blog. All the while hearing the joyful crinkle of tin foil being thrown about and stepped on. I knew that if my other half was home, there is no way this activity would have been allowed. But, I must say, I tend to be the more casual in our parenting when it comes to getting dirty, messy, or into things one shudn't.
I just couldn't help but think what fun was going on in the head of our little man. I knew he was having more fun with a $1.75 roll of tin foil than he has had with just about any of his many expensive toys. To me, it speaks of the old days when kids (such as my sis and myself) were allowed a creative mind in play. Our beloved Grandma would give us a cardboard box and some crayons and we girls would be busy for hours, maybe even days. The fort would turn in to an operator's switchboard which would turn in to a store front. So much fun and creativity. Now, granted, this boy was just all about the noise and mess. But, it took me back to a simpler time. One without Leap Pads, Gameboy's, and multi-sensory light up pianos. And, for the $1.75, it was well worth it. And, Dj thought so too.
What a great picture!!! I do remember you and sis having a lot of fun with the simpler things a lot of the time. We do forget about the creativity that can come from "accidental toys". You may have an artist in the making...sculpture anyone??
Love ya, Mama
Or he might be a waiter at the Montage. You know how they make your to-go food into a foil sculpture? :-)
Looks like fun. If he has a penchant for playing with foil, you should keep your good stuff up high in a cupboard and get those crappy rolls of foil at the dollar store for him to play with. :-) (Cheap old auntie!)
PS - I love the new pics on the flickr badge thing. Cool! KP wants you to get a good picture of "man-boobs." :-)
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