5 Things I Love/Hate
I hate:
1. warm lettuce
2. that Lance Bass is gay
3. that Andre keeps hiding my beautiful diamond ring from me every time I take it off to wash paint or chicken juice off my hands to "teach me a lesson"
4. having a head cold in the summer
5. sweating profusely due to 103 degree temperatures
I love:
1. baby fat (knees, fankles, neck rolls, etc)
2. the pure beauty of my gorgeous daughter
3. working at my intense, stressful job and having a guy call at 2:30 am to tell me he is a tranny prostitute looking to get arrested and do I want his description and location. (The answer is.. no, I do not want to know anything, but thanks for making me smile at 2:30 am.)
4. having ladies nights out
5. being clairvoyant. how else would i have known to look on the top shelf in the little mason canning jars for my ring when I wasn't even in the kitchen when my man stole it from where i left it while washing my hands......mmmmmmmmmm.........