Friday, July 28, 2006

5 Things I Love/Hate

I hate:

1. warm lettuce

2. that Lance Bass is gay

3. that Andre keeps hiding my beautiful diamond ring from me every time I take it off to wash paint or chicken juice off my hands to "teach me a lesson"

4. having a head cold in the summer

5. sweating profusely due to 103 degree temperatures

I love:

1. baby fat (knees, fankles, neck rolls, etc)

2. the pure beauty of my gorgeous daughter

3. working at my intense, stressful job and having a guy call at 2:30 am to tell me he is a tranny prostitute looking to get arrested and do I want his description and location. (The answer is.. no, I do not want to know anything, but thanks for making me smile at 2:30 am.)

4. having ladies nights out

5. being clairvoyant. how else would i have known to look on the top shelf in the little mason canning jars for my ring when I wasn't even in the kitchen when my man stole it from where i left it while washing my hands......mmmmmmmmmm.........


At 10:58 AM, Blogger kgkigomama said...

Maybe you should just have a necklace on all the time and each time you know you'll be doing something that will get your hands icky, put it on the chain before you start messing with the chicken or paint. Then you don't get the chicken juice or paint on it and it is safe until you wash your hands. AND your "helpful guy" won't have a chance to hide it from you. I'd say put it in your pants pocket, but then you might forget and put it through the washer and dryer...yikes!!! You know he isn't gonna quit doing it though. You gotta love that guy!!!!

At 3:20 PM, Blogger Secret Mommy said...

Oh my gosh! What a cute set of lists! I thought of you today when I went to lunch, cause I had a chicken enchilada with a side salad and they came on the same plate, so one side of the salad got warm and wilty, which I didn't mind too much, but I knew you would hate it! :-)

How cute that Andre hides your ring. Kevin hides mine from me, too. Only he's never ever let me find it. Yeah, that's right. He's hiding it. And I've never found it....

(PS - LOVE love love that a tranny pros called you to get arrested. Was it cause he wanted to go to jail and get some action? Grosss!)

At 7:32 PM, Blogger kgmomma said...

kgkigomama-good tip. i might try that. i gotta do somethin. he won't let me find it next time. altho, i bet my inner diamond heat seeker will lead me to it! :)
kat- howdy! yeah, i saw the Lance Love Muffin. I about keeled over at his gorgeousness. Lance did gooooooood. :) I truly wasn't real surprised either but picturing him in the arms of a man, even a hot one, just does NOT work for me. :)
kigogal- girl, i hear ya. but, ur ring will find it's way to you. i just know it! :) Yeah, and Mr. Tranny Prostitute wanted to get arrested because he said the officers would treat him as if he were a woman and that would validate his femininity for him. I told him "there has to be a better way to do that".. Sheesh!

At 8:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just wish I had a diamond ring to worry about! LOL

At 9:48 PM, Blogger masterfiddle said...

You know what you need is a ring saver. I had never heard of such a thing untill I saw it in the store and I made such a big deal about it that my Kevin got it for me right then. I haven't even used it yet! I must say I probably should take my rings off when I'm cooking more often. So have Andre get you one of those and you'll be set ;)

At 7:19 PM, Blogger Secret Mommy said...

You beee-atches and your rings and ring-savers and stories about rings!!!!

Pllllltttttthhhh! (That was a raspberry!)


Ha ha, just kidding. Love ya!!!!


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