Tuesday, July 18, 2006

My girl...

So, we're at Target yesterday buying a whole bunch o' crap we don't need. My beautiful girl was shopping in the little girl clothes picking out this and that. She is, of course, drawn to all things colorful. She picked out some pink cargo capri pants, a turqoise shirt to go with it....a pink netting ballet skirt that had a jeans waistband (this was very curious)...a "cheetah girl" puff skirt..you get the ideal. Well, I held up a what I thought was a real cute pair of khaki cargo type shorts, she firmly stated, "Ewwww, that is really not cute Mom. That is not my type."
THIS out of the mouth of a five year old! Well, I was getting a real kick out of her sassy fashion sense when while holding up a pen she found, innocently asked, "Mom, did they have feather pens like this in the 80's?" WHAT!?! My mouth gaping wide open, she followed up with "What, you don't remember?"

Oh, yeah, I remember...


At 11:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh....that is hilarious! Ya gotta love that girl! She has always had a knack for saying things that you wouldn't think would come out of a child's mouth! It's like she is a grown up in a 5 yr olds body! LOL....too funny!

At 12:20 PM, Blogger Secret Mommy said...

OMG! Laugh out loud funny! The pic isn't showing up very well on my 'puter here at work, but I getcha, sister!!!!!!!!!

I wonder how she even knows about the 80's. Has she been watching VH1? :-)

At 12:59 PM, Blogger kgkigomama said...

Wow!!! She is much older than her 5 years, for sure!!!!! She has come up with so many things to baffle us...since she began talking. Using words that no 2 year old should know, etc. It is wonderful to see her grow and shock and amaze you, much as you and your sister used to do to me. Boy, do we remember the 80's. Bryan Adams concerts and Hall and Oates concerts...then somehow we move on to the Whitesnake era...if I remember right, that is when I chose to sit down in the basement in the "parents room" while you two enjoyed the music...I could still totally hear the music even though I was a whole floor away!!!! It has only just begun my dear. She will keep you guessing for many years to come!!!! Enjoy, it goes by way too fast!!!! Love ya, Mom

At 11:39 PM, Blogger Bonnie B said...

I had to start negotiating with my oldest daughter when she was 4. I've been lucky with the other two so far. But I must say your little one takes the cake-- how funny!

Gotta love the 80s fashions! Shoulder pads and puff bangs anyone?


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